Outsourcing for success

15th Nov 2018


The one consistent theme in today’s market place is complexity

Without question, the challenges facing the UK pharma industry are increasingly diverse. From generating the right data to create true clinical differentiation, to translating data into value for payers and patients via its customer facing teams, to effectively navigating the stew of customer needs from payer to prescriber, across four devolved nations (not to mention the array of channels up for consideration); the one consistent theme in today’s market place is complexity.

Oh, and did someone mention Brexit?

Outsourcing has played a significant role in the UK pharma market for almost four decades. The benefits of increased agility; enhancing focus on business priorities; risk mitigation, reducing liabilities; accessing competencies that are not core to a pharma organisation, such as skilled recruitment at pace; are still very relevant today, perhaps more so than ever.
Outsourcing is most relevant when organisations are challenged by capacity, competence or risk.

Some trends have changed; such as the importance for pharma organisations to have direct leadership of all their customer interactions, rather than handing control to a separate organisation. The UK access landscape and the increasingly competitive nature of some markets are demanding greater differential resource deployment; requiring agility to constantly adapt to changing dynamics. Consequently, more traditional, ‘rigid’ solutions such as syndicated sales teams are becoming obsolete. Having experienced a reduction of up to 60% in the past 2-3 years, syndicated sales teams struggle to demonstrate impact in today’s market place.

To help you choose an outsourcing partner wisely, here are some pointers to accessing positive outsourcing experiences:

Time = money

Anyone who’s been in a sales management position knows lost selling days can have huge implications in terms of year-end sales results.

Ask potential outsourcing partners about their recruitment competence:

  • Performances versus other suppliers are good indicators
  • Size and experience of their recruitment team?
  • Explore how candidates are really engaged and selected?

It doesn’t matter how sophisticated a solution sounds, if the organisation providing it can’t deliver the people in the required timelines – buyer beware!

Customer focus & agility

Very often customers experience that some suppliers offer distinct inflexibility! This leads to strained relations and distracts from driving towards your business goals.

Ask potential outsourcing partners about:

  • How difficult situations will be resolved?
  • Exactly how unforeseen needs will be supported?
  • Test the customer focus you’ll really experience!

Employee Engagement

First impressions count, right!

Starting a new role with financial resources, the equipment to perform your job, and regular access to a supportive project manager make a huge difference to how outsourced staff can focus on the role you’ve invested in them to do.

Be sure to investigate the competence of suppliers in performing basic employee engagement functions – you might just be surprised what you find!


With over 20 years of experience and voted as PF’s CSO of the Year for 2017/18, we have an excellent track record in delivering industry leading performance in recruitment, customer focus and employee engagement. Our specialist services include:

  • Contract Sales Solutions
  • Contract Nursing Solutions
  • Clinical Study Solutions
  • Multi-Channel Sales Solutions
  • Permanent Recruitment

We’re sure we can help you. Please contact me on 07771 958020 or email connect@chasepeople.com
