Young Leaders: Lydia Oikonomidis

3rd Jun 2021

Published in PharmaTimes magazine - June 2021

Lydia Oikonomidis, Langland, Scientific Strategist

What inspires you about healthcare communications?

Every life is impacted by healthcare at some point – it is empowering to be working in a field that has so much relevance for the world. But, for me, the biggest bonus is that no matter how experienced you become in this industry you never stop learning and at Langland I am always surrounded by people who will challenge me to think further. Almost every day I find myself discovering something new about a therapy area, brand or product, or a way to do things differently.

What professional achievement are you most proud of?

Carving and helping shape a completely new role within Langland, that of the scientific strategist, and helping establish our Scientific Strategy team was a career defining moment for me. Looking back at the past year and a half, I not only feel extremely proud of where we are as a team and how we are able to carry the craft of our scientific perspective across all four disciplines, but also of the fact that we are seeing the value we add when supporting clients with our unique capabilities. I feel extremely proud and grateful for getting the opportunity to help define this new offering which really sets Langland apart.

How do you hope to make a difference in your current role?

Healthcare communications is underpinned by fast-paced, ever-changing science, meaning that a lot of the time we need to navigate through the ambiguity of not having definite answers and instead ground our work on the scientific and clinical data, disease understanding and treatment landscape that is accessible to us in that moment in time. Navigating the healthcare landscape to help make sense of the facts and figures and uncover new perspectives to help my teams and clients is the value I try to bring through my role every day. Often I end up being the one who asks a lot of the difficult questions to uncover the surprising and less obvious answers. By doing so I aim to push us all to better understand and articulate the clinical and scientific ‘whys’ behind everything that we do and inspire us to think further.

What is your vision for the future?

After the past eighteen months, life feels so unpredictable so it is hard to guess what it will bring! I look forward to seeing the Langland Scientific Strategy team continue to grow; having seen how strong our work can be when we bring multiple different perspectives together, my vision for the industry is that more strategy teams across healthcare integrate Scientific Strategy within their hubs.

PharmaTimes Magazine

Article published in June 2021 Magazine
