Guess who?

6th Sep 2022

Published in PharmaTimes magazine - September 2022

Who are they, what do they look like and how can we collaborate?

With the latest reforms reshaping the roles and responsibilities of many professionals within the NHS, Oli Hudson outlines the top ten personas industry should recognise within the new customer landscape.

A few months ago, in an earlier column for PharmaTimes, I described how a new ‘anatomy’ of the NHS was taking shape as a result of reforms.

What this piece didn’t really touch upon, however, is the impact these high-level structural changes are having on people’s day-to-day jobs: professionals are moving about within the new systems, job descriptions are being rewritten and different roles are being created to take account of new realities.

Check out the rest of this feature here

PharmaTimes Magazine

Article published in September 2022 Magazine
