Just 20% of physicians say AI has changed the way they practice

by | 26th Apr 2019 | News

Fewer than one in five would use a voice controlled clinical decision support system that was offered by pharma.

New data published from Medscape’s survey ‘Artificial Irrelevance: Do Physicians Actually Care About Healthcare’s AI Revolution?’ has found that despite the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, just 20% of physicians say that AI has changed the way they practice medicine.

Furthermore, fewer than one in five would use a voice controlled clinical decision support system that was offered by pharma, with 63% understandably citing concerns about bias and the handling of sensitive personal information.

The results have also reinforced the idea of human interaction as the ultimate diagnostic tool, showing that only a tiny minority of physicians think that AI could diagnose better than a human.

Only 19% of physicians say they would be comfortable using a voice-controlled smart speaker during a patient consultation, and when asked whether they would use a hypothetical voice controlled clinical support system, 48% claimed they would use a government institution made system, as opposed to just 18% made by a pharmaceutical company.

In 2018, Medscape asked similar questions to physicians and found that from 2018 to 2019, there was a decrease in the number willing to use a voice-controlled speaker to look up disease information, hear updates from conferences and check for drug interactions, showing a growing trend of distrust in AI.

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